Experience The Next Level Of Care!
Keys Gate Wellness Associates strive and take pride in making all services fully customized and tailored to each individuals needs. All services provided are evidence based, empirically validated and culturally competent.
After an initial intake assessment; we will collaborate together to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored specifically for you. As well as discuss which therapy style and services are right for you; and how often those services will be needed. We will encourage you to be an active participant in your treatment; keeping you more motivated and likely to be more successful.
Individual Psychotherapy -Children/Teens/Adults
Treatment For:
- Adjustment Disorder
- Relationship Issues
- Parent Child Relational Problems
- Major Life Changes
- Bereavement
- General Stress
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Trauma/Victimization/Domesic Violence
- Anxiety
- Social Phobia
- Excessive Worry
- Motivation
- Emotional Dysregulation
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Bipolar Disorder
- Depression
- Severe, Persistent Mental Illness
- Fertility Counseling IUI/IVF
- Perinatal Mental Health
- Veterans/PTSD
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Two-Spirit, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, Pansexual, Agender, Gender Queer, Bigender, Gender Variant, and Pangender
Group Psychotherapy -Children/Teens/Adults
- Bereavement Groups
- Social Skills Groups
- Parent Child Interaction Therapy
- Anxiety Groups
- Depression Groups
- Self Esteem Groups
- Mindfulness Groups
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Bullying Prevention
- Pain Management Groups
- Fertility Support Group
Group Therapy Provided At Our Office And Hosting Community Locations
We offer psychotherapy services at your home, location of your choosing, via secure telehealth platform and at our office. Telehealth services provided throughout the State of Florida. The choice is yours!
Psychological Testing -Children/Teen/Adults
Who can benefit from psychological testing:
- Students struggling with learning
- Students experiencing anxiety
- Students having difficulty with organization, focus and attention in school
- Children and adolescents experiencing social or behavioral difficulties
- Students in need of additional educational planning for special education placement or giftedness placement
- High school graduates going on to college
- Young adults wanting to explore what career is a best fit for them
- Students with disabilities, such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Learning Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
- Adults with ADHD or Learning Disabilities looking for help with returning to school or becoming more efficient in their work
- Individuals undergoing bariatric surgery, requiring a pre-surgical bariatric evaluation
- Individuals requesting to have their pets certified as an Emotional Support Animal (ESA)
- Individuals whose attorney requests an immigration evaluation: VAWA, Asylum, Hardship, T-Visa, U-Visa, N-648
We offer testing services at the testing center in our office. In some cases, testing can be completed remotely in the comfort of your home via telehealth.
Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
Dr. Santana Sparber Is One Of The Few South Florida Private Providers Certified In Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT); And The Only One Providing This Service In The Comfort Of Your Home!
Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidence-based treatment for children 2 to 8 years of age with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. PCIT enhances parent-child interactions, improves childrens behavior, and empowers parents to use consistent, predictable, effective parenting strategies that work. This cutting-edge, short-term therapy approach has been proven to improve child behavior and enhance parent-child relationships with long-term results. Over the past 4 decades, PCIT has documented success in addressing a wide variety of emotional and behavioral difficulties, including is an evidence-based treatment for children 2 to 8 years of age with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. PCIT enhances parent-child interactions, improves childrens behavior, and empowers parents to use consistent, predictable, effective parenting strategies that work. This cutting-edge, short-term therapy approach has been proven to improve child behavior and enhance parent-child relationships with long-term results. Over the past 4 decades, PCIT has documented success in addressing a wide variety of emotional and behavioral difficulties, including:
- Physical & Verbal Aggression
- Destruction Of Property
- Noncompliance / Defiance
- Hyperactivity / Inattention
- Emotional Dysregulation
- Difficulties With Attachment
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Parent Child Interaction Therapy Sessions Typically Occur Once Per Week And Last Approximately 60-90 Minutes. The Average Number Of Sessions To Complete Both Phases Of PCIT Is 10 To 20 Sessions. Importantly, PCIT Is A Mastery-Based Treatment That Continues Until The Caregiver Has Demonstrated Specific Skills, And The Child’s Behavior Has Improved To Within Normal Limits.
Phase I
During the first phase of treatment (child-directed interaction), children are encouraged to lead a play activity while their caregivers observe and comment on their childs positive behaviors (and ignore inappropriate behaviors). The primary goal of the first phase of PCIT (the child-directed interaction) is to strengthen positive caregiver-child relationships. Benefits of the first phase of PCIT Include:
- Increased Feelings Of Security, Safety, And Attachment With Caregiver(S)
- Increased Attention Span
- Increased Self-Esteem
- Increased Pro-Social Behaviors (Sharing, Taking Turns)
- Decreased Frequency, Severity, And/Or Duration Of Tantrums
- Decreased Hyperactivity
- Decreased Negative Attention-Seeking Behaviors (Whining, Bossiness)
- Decreased Caregiver Frustration
Phase II
In the second phase of the intervention (parent-directed interaction), caregivers learn how to deliver clear, direct commands to reward child compliance, and utilize effective strategies for child noncompliance. The primary goal of the second phase of PCIT (the parent-directed interaction) is to change ineffective caregiver-child interaction patterns. Benefits of the second phase of PCIT include:
- Increased Compliance With Adult (Caregivers, Teachers) Requests
- Increased Caregiver Confidence (And Decreased Stress)
- Improved Behavior At Home, And In Public
- Decreased Frequency, Severity, And/Or Duration Of Aggressive Behavior
- Decreased Frequency Of Destructive Behavior
- Decreased Defiance
Many individuals do not reach their optimal potential due to anxiety and fear of change or failure. These two factors hold many back and paralyze them, keeping them from achieving their dreams.
Keys Gate Wellness Associates are here to inspire and empower you to get unstuck, overcome overwhelm and self-sabotage, and design the life you want to live instead of reacting to your own irrational fears or the demands of others.
We coach students, executives, business owners, attorneys, physicians, as well as those going through life-stage changes (divorce, marriage, relocation, job changes). We use several psycho-therapeutic and coaching strategies and we will work together with you as a team to help move you and/or your team or organization in the desired direction to optimize and maximize your goals clinical psychologists are highly trained in personality types, traits, cognitive-behavioral analyses, and therefore the leaders in coaching.

Concierge therapy services are the essence of personalized care. It is an exclusive elite service that is only offered to a limited number of individuals at a time. This allows our doctors to work profoundly with each concierge client on their quest to wellness.
Keys Gate Wellness Associates is the premier concierge provider for individual psychotherapy, parent child interaction therapy (PCIT), psychological testing and life coaching in south Florida and The Keys. The unique concierge model of care is for the discerning individual. Our doctors travel to you! You will receive the services, support and guidance that you need in the luxury of your home, office, or any other convenient, comfortable, private location of your choosing. (Also available via HIPAA compliant interactive video conferencing so that you can receive on-going services from where ever you are.) Concerns about privacy, traffic, and limited appointments and appointment hours are no longer barriers to getting the services you need and when you need it.
As a concierge client you will always get a full 60-minute hour session or longer session durations per your request or need. Concierge clients are provided with grace time during sessions when extra time is needed to finish a discussion. Your therapist will not be watching the clock!
Concierge clients receive a high level of priority care with numerous benefits that traditional therapy does not afford. You will always get a response from your doctor directly! They will answer all your calls and emails personally. No need to deal with receptionists, answering services, or anyone who doesn't know you and your needs.
Insurance companies require certain diagnoses in order to authorize treatment. They also have access to your clinical records. As a concierge client you avoid getting a label that will follow you and avoid sharing your private records with your health insurance. Also, by us coming to you, you avoid the possibility of running into others when you're feeling at your most vulnerable. This ensures the utmost level of privacy and confidentiality.
You may use your monthly package hours however you wish, whenever you want. No outside entity will dictate how long or how frequent your sessions should be. Also, if you have a schedule that changes frequently, you may see your doctor on different days and times each week without any hassle.
Concierge services are offered during extended hours, weekends, and holidays.
If your status, lifestyle, or employment does not allow you to seek traditional therapeutic services, then concierge services are for you.
Call now to find out more and discuss pricing; concierge psychological services are highly sought-after and limited in Florida.